Here's some of our work

Classic Cars in safe hands
We regularly look after a varied range of vehicles from brand new Jaguar luxury sports cars through to classics like this pride and joy of a restoration owner like this VW Campervan

Luxury Sports Cars
We can offer new car owners their warranty services without affecting the actual manufacturers warranty. New car owners will be told by the main dealer that they must have all the warranty work and servicing carried out by the main dealer. Whilst the warranty work must go through the main dealer that's not the case with servicing. This is because the main dealers are charging very high rates. Why pay inflated servicing rates at a main dealer when we only use genuine parts as specified and follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter. Our customer will get a complete record. If there is anything we can't do ourselves in house we will use the same sub contractors that the main dealer uses. Why pay inflated rates when we can do the same work at a fraction of the cost and you still get your log book stamped and parts receipts to protect your vehicles resale value.
A work in progress
Sometimes we need to go the extra mile for our customers. This Volkswagen Passat came in with engine trouble and rather than recommend a very costly engine replacement we stripped the front end and managed to replace some major components that had failed and get the customer back on the road. The bill was a genuine saving compared to a straight replacement and proves investigation skills and diagnostics experience really pay dividends for our customers